Learn the Truth About Buying MLM Leads

The subject of whether a distributor should buy MLM leads is a heated one and you would find that many take one of the two absolute positions contemning buying altogether, or supporting that purchasing leads is all you need for your recruiting needs. In my life I try to not be dogmatic so when it comes to purchasing network marketing leads after having some good and bad experiences I came to the conclusion that the truth is somewhere in the middle. Depending on the way that you are building your business you can still be successful with or without purchasing them or many times by using a mixed strategy.

But let's take the things one by one. First let's see what are the negatives of buying multilevel marketing leads.

First of all the basis of your business is your MLM prospects. If you have no prospects your business is stagnant and if you haven't managed previously to build your network you literally have no business at all. By not generating your own leads and outsourcing them to the many lead sellers gets you into a position that your business is 100% depended on third parties for its survival. If your trusted vendor goes out of business and you won't manage to find another one that offers the same quality your business can go through some hard times. That basically means that you are accepting a big risk by relying on this practice.

Second, it is very difficult to find a good leads seller that offers quality prospects on a consistent basis. Add to that that there are many scammers who sell fake ones or contact information of people that never gave them that permission and you got yourself a big problem at distinguishing who should you trust or not.

Third, many times leads get sold multiple times to various buyers so you happen to be one of the many that are contacting them with your opportunity and you would have to compete with other MLM marketers. So you need to be even more careful when you are choosing a vendor.

Fourth, you should always be on a constant look out for new MLM lead sellers as it is not unusual for a seller to offer excellent quality at the beginning that would later start to deteriorate as many more customers are learning about them and choose them.

As you can understand besides the risk that you are accepting the greatest problem with buying leads is that of trust. How to find a seller that can give you the quality that you want.

But it is not always about negatives as a strategy of purchasing leads can give you some benefits too.

First of all for the average distributor who don't know very well how to generate his own leads buying them can save him a lot time and money. If you don't know what you are doing you can spend countless hours working and money while at the same time getting minimal results. In that cases buying them can actually save you time and money.

Second, it can help you to specialize yourself. You can devote all your time at contacting and closing your prospects and manging your network while leaving outside all the hurdles of MLM prospecting. Specialization can help you become a real expert in one area that can skyrocket your results.

The truth is that there are many people who rely only on leads to build their multi level marketing business and are very successful with it. But it also took them time and a lot of practice through trial and error and searching in order to reach that point. They could have followed the other path and be equally successful today only to have different skills as the journey they followed was totally different.

If you want to follow one of the two paths exclusively do some deep soul searching to discover you strengths and weaknesses as well as your current skills that could be of use in your MLM business. Then you need to see which one of the two paths suits you better and could get you faster to the end result that of building a thriving network marketing organization that could give you the income you want.

Of course it's not always all black or all white as you don't need to do only the one or only the other. You can as well use a mixed strategy that while you are working at generating your own MLM leads you can also purchase leads from trusted sellers to jump-start your home business. It certainly would take you time to learn to drive traffic to your capturing pages and converting it to leads in your autoresponder. So while you are working at that area of your business you can also use purchased leads to contact in order to work the closing part of your business and the management and leadership part once you happen to convert some of them to distributors in your downline.

Now whether you want to mix those two things or how to mix them it's up entirely to you. You are the CEO of your business and is you job to decide what strategy you would follow to build it. Don't be afraid to take decisions in order to avoid mistakes, as humans are build to learn from their mistakes and failures. You can always change the structure and practices of your business if you find that the current ones leads you to a dead end. It's procrastination and fear of taking action your worst enemies and those you should be afraid most.

About the Author:
The one source for your MLM business. Knowledge and information that can help you become a top earner at your network marketing opportunity and have the lifestyle of your desire. Success is nothing more than doing the right things that can get you there. So start learning how to build your multilevel marketing home business today whether you go by Buying MLM Leads or not.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Learn the Truth About Buying MLM Leads

MLM, Leads, Buy, Purchase, Sellers