A Good Investment or Not

When the housing market collapsed not too long ago one of the side effects of people getting foreclosed on is that the property values of homes dropped dramatically. Many experts said that much of the housing market was artificially inflated already and that was one of the factors that lead to the market collapsing but no matter what the views are on the housing market most in the housing industry agree that housing values are continuing to fall well below what the homes are truly worth and that is causing a large problem with the housing market and the United States economy. It is generally accepted that in order to re-stabilize the economy the housing market needs to get the value back into homes that will bring homes out from being under economic water. A home is considered under economic water when the value of the home drops below what is left on the mortgage for the home and many homes in the United States are currently in that position. The value of homes may never reach the heights it saw prior to the collapse but the value of homes needs to at least reach the value of the mortgages outstanding on the homes before there can be any real recovery. Each week the government would release a statement predicting where the bottom would be in this home value free fall and still houses were losing more value each week. At some point there will be a bottom to the fall and whether you believe we have reached that bottom yet or not you still need to understand that now may be the best time in recent history to invest in real estate and private homes in particular. The United States is in a failing economy now but it is inevitable that the economy will recover and when the economy recovers the value for homes all across the United States will rise and some people feel that increase could be as dramatic on the upswing as it was on the downslide. What does that mean to the average homebuyer? That means that if you are able to purchase a new home then now is the time to purchase your dream home and then reap all of the rewards when the economy recovers. That home that used to be $300,000 is probably now half that price and that may be a price you can afford. If you purchase that house now you may see the value drop a bit more but when the economy recovers you will see the value in your home rise sharply and your equity rises with it which is a great benefit for you. Investors need to consider purchasing houses now for the very same reason. As they purchase homes now that are worth half what they were worth a year ago they stand to make a large profit when the economy recovers and they sell the property. Of course no one knows when the recovery will happen and how long the investor will need to hold on to the property but that is the gamble of investing. In the end what will really spur the recovery is people purchasing homes and if people start purchasing now then that could start the recovery that adds value to their investment in the not too distant future. It is all part of an economic cycle that never ends. For more information on the housing market, visit http://housemicroblog.com and http://homemicroblog.comAbout the Author:

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - A Good Investment or Not

housing market, buying a home, investment, home mortgage